Functor ReactiveData.RMap

module RMap: 
functor (M : Map.S) -> S with type 'a data = 'a M.t and type 'a patch = [ `Add of M.key * 'a | `Del of M.key ] list
Reactive map data structure
M : Map.S

type 'a t 
Reactive version of the data container
type 'a data 
Raw (non-reactive) version of the data container
type 'a patch 
Patch format
type 'a msg = 
| Patch of 'a patch (*
Patch p triggers the application of p on the current contents
| Set of 'a data (*
With Set d, d becomes the new content
Message format
type 'a handle 
Handle that permits applying incremental updates
val empty : 'a t
Empty data structure
val create : 'a data -> 'a t * 'a handle
Build a container from initial contents. The handle can be used for performing reactive updates.
val from_event : 'a data ->
'a msg React.E.t -> 'a t
from_event d e is a container whose initial value is d, and which gets updated for every occurrence of e
val from_signal : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
'a data React.S.t -> 'a t
Convert a React signal into a ReactiveData container.

Whenever the signal changes from value v to value v', we detect the differences between v and v', and perform downstream computation (e.g., for map) only on the new and modified elements.

val const : 'a data -> 'a t
Produce a constant container
val patch : 'a handle -> 'a patch -> unit
patch h p applies p on the container corresponding to h
val set : 'a handle -> 'a data -> unit
set h d sets the contents of the container corresponding to h, disregarding previous contents
val map_msg : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a msg -> 'b msg
Transform a message
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
map f c applies f on all elements of c, producing a new reactive container c'. Modifying the contents of c leads to modifications of c'. f is applied only on the new or modified elements of c.
val value : 'a t -> 'a data
Return current contents
val fold : ('a -> 'b msg -> 'a) ->
'b t -> 'a -> 'a React.signal
fold f c v accumulates the updates on c with f starting from v.

The result is a signal of value f m_n (f ... (f m_1 v)), where m_1 ... m_n are the messages that have been applied since the beginning of fold. m_1 is a pseudo-message Set l, accounting for the contents l of c at the time when accumulation starts.

val signal : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
'a t -> 'a data React.S.t
Signal corresponding to contents
val event : 'a t -> 'a msg React.E.t
Event whose occurrences correspond to container updates