Index of values

concat [ReactiveData.RList]
concat a b is the concatenation of a and b, and it gets updated whenever a and b change
cons [ReactiveData.RList]
Add element to the beginning
const [ReactiveData.S]
Produce a constant container
create [ReactiveData.S]
Build a container from initial contents.

diff [ReactiveData.DATA]
diff ?eq d1 d2 produces a patch describing the differences between d1 and d2.

empty [ReactiveData.DATA]
Empty container
empty [ReactiveData.S]
Empty data structure
equal [ReactiveData.DATA]
Lift an equality operator over atoms of type 'a to an equality operator over 'a data
event [ReactiveData.S]
Event whose occurrences correspond to container updates

fold [ReactiveData.S]
fold f c v accumulates the updates on c with f starting from v.
from_event [ReactiveData.S]
from_event d e is a container whose initial value is d, and which gets updated for every occurrence of e
from_signal [ReactiveData.S]
Convert a React signal into a ReactiveData container.

insert [ReactiveData.RList]
insert v i h adds v as the i-th position in the container corresponding to h.

map [ReactiveData.S]
map f c applies f on all elements of c, producing a new reactive container c'.
map_data [ReactiveData.DATA]
map f d applies f on all the elements of d, producing a new container in an applicative way
map_msg [ReactiveData.S]
Transform a message
map_patch [ReactiveData.DATA]
Transform a patch
merge [ReactiveData.DATA]
Applicative merge operation: merge p d is a new container produced by applying p on d.
move [ReactiveData.RList]
move i j h moves the i-th element of the container corresponding to h to the j-th position, modifying the indices of other elements

patch [ReactiveData.S]
patch h p applies p on the container corresponding to h

remove [ReactiveData.RList]
remove i h removes the i-th position from the container corresponding to h.
rev [ReactiveData.RList]
rev a is the reversal of a; rev a gets updated along with a

set [ReactiveData.S]
set h d sets the contents of the container corresponding to h, disregarding previous contents
signal [ReactiveData.S]
Signal corresponding to contents
singleton [ReactiveData.RList]
Produce container list containing a single, constant element
singleton_s [ReactiveData.RList]
Produce reactive list containing a single element that gets updated based on a signal
snoc [ReactiveData.RList]
Add element to the end

update [ReactiveData.RList]
update v i h substitutes the i-th element of the container corresponding to h with v

value [ReactiveData.S]
Return current contents