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Module Ot_sticky

module Ot_sticky : sig..end

whether computed CSS attribute "position" equals "sticky"

val is_position_sticky : 'a Eliom_content.Html.elt -> bool

whether computed CSS attribute "position" equals "sticky"

val set_position_sticky : 'a Eliom_content.Html.elt -> bool

try to set CSS attribute "position" to "sticky". false if unsuccessful

val supports_position_sticky : 'a Eliom_content.Html.elt -> bool
val is_sticky : 'a Eliom_content.Html.elt -> bool

whether element is sticky, either due to CSS attribute position:sticky or due to position:sticky polyfill make_sticky

type glue = {
  fixed: Html_types.div_content Eliom_content.Html.D.elt;  inline: Html_types.div_content Eliom_content.Html.D.elt;  dir: [ `Left | `Top ];  scroll_thread: unit Lwt.t;  resize_thread: (int * int) React.S.t;  dissolve: unit -> unit;}

returned by make sticky (if position:sticky is not supported). You only need this value if you want to manipulate the stickiness later (as keep_in_sight does. fixed: element cloned from the element supplied to make_sticky; inline: original element supplied to make_sticky; dir: see make_sticky; scroll_thread: thread that makes either fixed or inline visible, depending on the scroll position; resize_thread: thread that resizes the fixed element according to the inline element on window resize; dissolve: undo make_sticky i.e. kill scroll_thread and resize_thread and remove fixed from the DOM tree.

val make_sticky : 
  dir:[ `Left | `Top ] ->
  ?ios_html_scroll_hack:bool ->
  Html_types.div_content Eliom_content.Html.elt ->
  glue option Lwt.t

position:sticky polyfill which is not supported by some browsers. It functions by making a clone with position:fixed of the designated element and continuously (window scroll/resize) monitoring the position of the element and the clone. The contents of the element is shifted back and forth between the two elements. Make sure to also apply the CSS code "position: sticky" to the element as this function has no effect if "position: sticky" is supported by the browser. The supplied element should be a D-element. dir determines whether it sticks to the top on vertical scroll or the the left on horizontal scroll.

NOTE: Do not forget to include the CSS attributes as defined in the file css/ot_sticky.css.

See in Ot_lib for documentation of ~ios_html_scroll_hack.

val keep_in_sight : 
  dir:[ `Left | `Top ] ->
  ?ios_html_scroll_hack:bool ->
  Html_types.div_content Eliom_content.Html.elt -> (unit -> unit) Lwt.t

make sure an element gets never out of sight while scrolling by continuously (window scroll/resize) monitoring the position of the element and adjusting the top/left value. Calls make_sticky. Make sure to also apply the CSS code "position: sticky" to the element. The element's absolute position is determined by the parents position (which is not sticky but inline), so you probably want to wrap your element in a dedicated div. (It has to be the parent and not the element itself because when the element floats (is in its fixed state) we can't use its position for computing the right values. Returns a function by which the keep_in_sight functionality can be stopped.